Crossfit Journal

79 thoughts
last posted Sept. 18, 2014, 10:16 p.m.

65 later thoughts


2/7/2014 8a


3 Sets, each for time:

  • 10 C2B Pullups
  • 10 HSPU
  • 10 Kettle Bell Swings (55#)

* scale C2B Pullups with bands, or jumping pull ups, or ring rows

* scale HSPU up by adding plates under hands, down by adding plates under abmat, or do L-seated DB press, or Pyramid Push ups



  • 10 reps @ 50%
  • 10 reps @ 60%
  • 10 reps @ 70%
  • 8 reps @ 75%
  • 6 reps @ 80%

Rest 2:00 between sets.

I did jumping pullups, L-seated DB press with 45# DBs, and KB Swings with 53# kettle bells. My times were:

  • 1:15
  • 1:34
  • 1:43

I tried some HSPU with a single 45 plate under the abmat and got 5 comfortably but had serious doubts I could do 3 rounds of 10 reps so opted for the presses.

For my deadlifts, back on 1/27/2014, I had noted that I done basically the same workout based on a 250# 1-rep max but had noted it felt light and that I could likely go based on about a 315# 1-rep max. However, it was suggested that I used about a 300# 1-rep max for this workout. So my weights where:

  • 150#
  • 180#
  • 210#
  • 225#
  • 240#

These weights still felt good and I feel like my legs could handle a good bit more but for the last two sets I had serious issues with grip strength. This is partially do to some ripped calluses and partially due to just really weak grips.

Going to stay with this weight until my grips develop.

13 earlier thoughts