Collected thoughts on methods for publishing serial content from blogs to Kindles and other ebook readers.
These notes have now been fully baked and published at
There are several problems that need solving as part of each viable solution:
Options include:
Content could be converted using Sigil+Calibre or pandoc+Calibre. Sendy is self-hosted email sending software, Stripe for payments.
Consider a blog that has 2,500 subscribers willing to pay the publisher's ideal price of $24/year ($2/month). Of these, say 70% are Kindle users and 30% use either iOS or nook. Here is the actual revenue realized from the available options:
Amazon Kindle Blogs: $6,237 per year, paid at irregular intervals. Only Kindle customers are served (1,750 of the 2,500), and Amazon controls the price, setting it at $0.99 instead of $2.00 per month. Readers experience poor formatting and irregular delivery.
Leanpub: $54,000 per year. Readers are notified by email of new content, which they must download to their devices ("Send to iPad" and "Send to Kindle" links are provided).
Self-managed: $57,507. ($60k less $2,490 in Stripe transaction fees (assuming no chargebacks), and $3 in mail sending fees.) For the extra $3,507, you must provide your own subscriber support and develop a highly fussy conversion mechanism. This option may not be able to provide automatic delivery to reader's devices.
At 100 subscribers per year + same proportions & ideal price, the figures work out to: