the title here is a line mentioned in an article I'd run across while researching Soviet Disco; I think the original mention was meant to be humorous, but as we can see from the following ad:
the soviets may have taken it more seriously. Admittedly, that's feathered hair, but no leg warmers. No problem; by working backwards from an aerobics-themed song in the current RF: «Утренняя гимнастика»
we find that performance is indeed a cover of a soviet-era song: «Утренняя гимнастика»
which Высоцкий* had presumably composed with reference to programs like: «Утренняя гимнастика»
It took a little poking around, but there you have it:
(obscheykrepliauschaya).a near miss: if you start to wonder why Фактор-2 features comrades in knee socks, periodic tables, and a drum&bugle corps, see the original video a few cards back.