
29 thoughts
last posted Aug. 31, 2013, 2:20 p.m.

28 earlier thoughts


Day 69 - August 31, 2013

Did some dependency updates and noticed that lein ancient wasn't warning me of out of date plug-ins. Checked it's page and saw that's an option, and that I wasn't giving lein ancient permission to tell me about qualified releases. Updated the alias to support those things and updated a bunch of dependencies.

Re-tested on IE7 to see if the JS error is gone w/ latest cljs. It's not.

Commented out the phantom-js tests that work locally but not on Travis CI so the tests are passing again. Need to decide to replace those with real browsers from Sauce or with just mocked requests. The mocked requests could answer if things rendered on the page from the config file (part of what's being tested, but not if the cljs code is working to make the (admittedly very simple) interactions on the page work. The mock requests would work for the admin testing as well.