
29 thoughts
last posted Aug. 31, 2013, 2:20 p.m.

27 earlier thoughts


Day 55 - August 17, 2013

Simplified the user providing email integration test to the parts that it can check and fixed an issue in the test w/ not clearing out the email address from failed attempts. Extended the wait to 2 secs. since web server may be slower on Travis.

Ran first integration tests on Travis. Didn't work since lein ring server-headless blocks running the server. Travis' before script doesn't run in its own process so its then dead.

Some Googling led to starting the server with a simple Unix & to force the web server into the background.

Once the web server was sorted out, the Selenium web driver couldn't find the phantomjs binary.

Figured out through slow trial and error where Travis-CI's phantomjs binary is (/usr/local/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs) and configured driver to use that phantomjs (and mimic'd it locally).

Finally have phantomjs running in the Travis cloud properly but it fails to see the thank you message on the successful submissions. Reworked the timing there and added some more content validation tests to try to determine what's going on. Not successful and not clear what's different locally vs. on Travis.

1 later thought