MagazinesThe Reading List

PC Gamer

4 thoughts
last posted Aug. 23, 2014, 8:26 a.m.
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Issue 270 looks really interesting. There's a report of a drive around Drive Club's America, the seemingly obligatory raving about Alien: Isolation (I guess it's going to be amazing).

In the previews Riot gets a glowing writeup, the Witcher e-boardgame looks interesting. Survivarium gets a boring writeup but the game looks like an interesting take on the multiplayer shooter but I'm not sure I would really enjoy a persistent version of Capture the flag.


Divinity: Original Sin is given a good review. I clearly didn't understand what this game was about or I would have been all over a modern take on the Balder's Gate RPG format.


Of course one way you can find a place for yourself is writing about Spintires, a Russian truck driving sim.

The PC gaming scene is so broad that you can't hope to see it all so curation is still valuable.


PC Gamer really looks like a magazine in trouble with an enormous shadow over it from its former writing team (who are also now in the process of revamping online writing about PC gaming) and a lot of churn as it finds a new voice.

Child Streams

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updated Oct. 18, 2015, 6:57 p.m.