Writing a Sails.js Solr adapter

10 thoughts
last posted May 14, 2015, 7:43 p.m.
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Configuring unit tests for the adapter:

Add a Makefile:

    @./node_modules/.bin/mocha -u tdd --reporter spec

.PHONY: test

In package.json, configure the test script:

"scripts": {
   "test": "make test"

Running npm test will then run make test, which will invoke mocha to run all the tests under /test.


Some progress here :)


To implement the queryable interface, understanding the Waterline query language is fundamental.

Read the documentation


Basic Solr-Sails test app

I wrote a super simple Sails - Solr integration test to learn some Sails basics and understand the whole workflow from HTTP request to Solr and back.

The adapter here (just a couple of super simple methods are implemented) will grow to become a full sails-solr adapter implementing the queryable interface and at least some of semantinc.



If you don't want to use auto increment integer IDs for your model in Waterline - Sails, you'll need to set the option autoPK to false.


If you want to write a waterline adapter, start by reading the waterline specification of the different interfaces to be implemented.


We'll be using solr-client to build the queries, create "connections" (they're not the same kind of connection you'd have to a SQL db, just HTTP service calls) fetch and parse results.


The queryable waterline interface is implemented in a single method: find.

I'm trying to figure out what's the easiest and more standard way to parse options and turn them into a query. In this case, a Solr query.


The sails-mysql module is useful as an example. I've found it easier to understand than the Mongo or the sails-disk adapter (perhaps since I'm more familiar with MySQL than I am with Mongo).