
8 thoughts
last posted Sept. 3, 2015, 5:53 p.m.
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Brian Little also has a wonderful talk he gave at TEDxOxbridge.


I love spending timing with friends and family, especially over a nice dinner. But I need time alone afterwards to recharge and "do my own thing".


I don't mind spending time with people, I just don't need much of it. I need time alone, though.


My introversion mostly manifests in the fact I get most of my energy, enjoyment, motivation and excitement from being alone.


I actually love public speaking and can't remember a time I ever feared it. I'm also, in most situations, hardly what would be described as shy.

But Cain makes clear that those two things are completely consistent with (and are largely orthogonal to) being an introvert.


Much like Refuse to Choose finally made me comfortable with being a journeyman of some, Cain's talk and book helped me be comfortable with being an introvert.


Like a lot of people, I was inspired to "come out" as an introvert in part because of Susan Cain's wonderful TED talk and book.


It may come as a surprise to some people who mostly know me from conference speaking, but I'm an extreme introvert.