
8 thoughts
last posted June 26, 2014, 3:41 p.m.

5 earlier thoughts


6/23/14 - 7th Class

Missed the 6 am class because we had a busy, exhausting weekend and I did not want to get out of bed. So we went to a 5:30 pm class. I am not good at afternoon/evening workouts after sitting at a computer all day working on my dissertation. But, we went and we did it.


800m run

2 rounds: 10 supermans and 5 inchworms


5 x 3 Power snatch (55 lbs) Rx was 75 - 80% of 1RM but I have not found my 1RM so I started with bar and for my first set of 3. Then added 20 lbs for my last 4 sets of 3. This was the first time I've done power snatch so I wanted to concentrate on form so I did not increase my weight.


21 - 15 - 9

Power Snatch (Rx: 95 M1: 80 lbs M2: 65 lbs - I did 55lbs)

400 m run between sets.

My time: 15:07

This workout was tough but I liked it's simplicity. I probably won't do another afternoon class. The coach for this class was not as "coachful" as our morning coaches have been. Thankfully, my morning coach showed up to work out and gave me some form tips for the power clean - I think I would've hurt myself or started to develop bad habits. The people in the class were also not as friendly. I get the impression that those at the evening classes have worked all day and they just want to get their workout in and go home to relax. No one chatted with us and no one even really smiled. It's a lot different with the morning crew - we always chat with multiple people and we get a lot of encouragement (which is super helpful). Next time I want to sleep in, I'll make it a running day.

2 later thoughts