Today's тройка
is of a traditional song,Порушка-Пораня
. It's easy enough to find, from traditional arrangements to less traditional, such as a лезгинка, or with what I guess are gender-swapped dips, Девятова и Варвара@0:54, but the following are my current favorite set of new bottles for this old wine:
Firstly, Silenzium
, playing a peasant song on classic instruments in a festival setting (and what is that theme at 1:56?):
Secondly, Ариэль
, who perform a version updated for the entry of the internal combustion engine and electrical amplification into rural life:
Finally, from a movie about which I know next to nothing, at a party involving a young Peter II, the landlords reach the point in the evening (~3:00) where they are not above a little cultural appropriation from their tenantry: