Food Fight: Inside the Battle for Market Basket

31 thoughts
last posted March 15, 2016, 9:19 p.m.

9 earlier thoughts


I was trying to work out the other day exactly how much footage we have to work with on the project. Based on various sources I found to determine how much the roughly 9TB of footage I have translates to, I came up with about 150 hours give or take, and that varies depending on the codecs used. Given that about 1/3 of the footage was shot on DSLR which stores more on disk per hour due to the compression of the H264 codec, it's probably closer to 200 or more hours.

If this were shot on film, which weighs about one pound for every minute, assuming you're using 35mm stock, and assuming the lower 150 hour figure, that equates to about 4.5 tons of physical film we'd have to sort through and move around!

21 later thoughts