Food Fight: Inside the Battle for Market Basket

31 thoughts
last posted March 15, 2016, 9:19 p.m.

3 earlier thoughts


The "pro" editor burned 2 weeks just transcoding the footage so that it could be used in his Avid, which meant a total pain in the ass for us. We decided that the finished cut should be done in Premiere. He wanted to use something called "script sync" which helps you to use text search to find the exact entry point to dialog in an interview without having to watch, scrub through or use logs to determine where a given line of dialog is. This plan essentially failed for a number of reasons, and by the end of the six weeks he handed us back an almost completely unusable rough that cost us time and money. What was worse, you could tell that he had almost no emotional investment or effort into the story. Most of it was strung together based on notes we provided him with. He made virtually no attempt to craft anything in the way of a story.

27 later thoughts