Unit 2: Dynamics and Chaos

11 thoughts
last posted Oct. 29, 2013, 11:22 a.m.

4 earlier thoughts


Iteration is doing something over and over again

In population growth, reproduction is iterated.

Simple Population Growth Model (NetLogo)

n is population
n_0 is initial population (1)
n_1 is population at year 2 (2)
n_2 is population at year 3 (4)
n_t is population at year t

birthrate = number of offspring produced per year from 1 rabbit (2)

n_1 = birthrate x n0
n_2 = birthrate x n1
n_t+1 = birthrate x n_t

Exponential population growth: year 0 is 1 year 1 is 2 year 2 is 4 year 3 is 8 year t is 2^t

Exponential growth is unrealistic in the long term.

Population vs. time is an exponential function.

This year vs. last year is a linear function yielding a straight line:
n_t+1 = birthrate * n_t
y = slope * x

Independence in a system causes linear growth.

6 later thoughts