Falkland CMS

68 thoughts
last posted Oct. 1, 2013, 2:19 p.m.

55 earlier thoughts


Day 69 - August 31, 2013

Looked into ordered hash options to make implementing the add category API sane.

Clojure has an array-map but it auto-switches over to a map at > 8 keys so that's no good.

Found some ports of Ruby's array map to Clojure and picked one.

Did some dependency updates and noticed that lein ancient wasn't warning me of out of date plug-ins. Checked it's page and saw that's an option, and that I wasn't giving lein ancient permission to tell me about qualified releases. Updated the alias to support those things and updated a bunch of dependencies.

While looking at dependencies, I went back to the latest ClojureScript erroring out generating the CouchDB view code. I dropped back 1 release and tried it, still errors. Dropped back 2 releases and the code generates fine. But then (CI FTW!) the tests had massive failures so clearly the generated code is still not equivalent of what I was getting with the few month old cljs generated code. Dropped back to the old release for today to get the tests passing again, but queued up yanking the cljs code for plain js in the CouchDB views. It's so little code that it's not worth the hassle, and it'll be nice to have good Futon support for the views.

12 later thoughts