Falkland CMS

68 thoughts
last posted Oct. 1, 2013, 2:19 p.m.

42 earlier thoughts


Day 54 - August 16, 2013

Researched Octohipster as a possibly interesting Liberator wrapper. Decided don't need what it offers right now, but it maybe interesting to look at again when I tackle pagination.

Researched Collection+JSON and decided to adopt it for the listing of resources APIs only (it has pretty weak provision in my opinion for creation and deletion too).

I also wasn't overly impressed with the "template" portion of Collection+JSON for helping API users create new items. Researched JSON Schema as a replacement and decided to use it for the "template" section.

Updated the collection item listing API docs to use Collection+JSON and JSON Schema. Neither the API code nor the tests match this yet.

Worked on getting speclj working for the Clojure API unit tests. Couldn't get it to use an alternative directory to /spec for the location of the tests. For FCMS they need to be in /test/spec. The :test-path and :test-paths mentioned in the README don't work.

Started working with expectations a bit before deciding it maybe wasn't ideal for this given its opinionated nature.

Went with plain ole clojure.test instead. Wrote unit test skeleton for all of item Clojure API and implemented it for testing item creation. Found 2 bugs too that had escaped detection in integration testing. Fixed those.

Reworked the lein aliases to remove some repetition.

25 later thoughts