Falkland CMS

68 thoughts
last posted Oct. 1, 2013, 2:19 p.m.

29 earlier thoughts


Day 38 - July 31, 2013

Completed bulk delete of items when collections are deleted.

Reworked naming scheme for CouchDB views.

Factored out dealing with CouchDB views into some common functions.

Updated how the mock data state is held to support the cucumber tests in the hope of making the tests pass when run on Travis CI. Didn't make a difference.

Looked into the first test failure happening on Travis CI. Commented out tests so ONLY one failing test will run to try to eliminate a timing or state related issue.

Figured out the difference between Travis CI and running locally. Travis CI isn't using master from the local git dependency so the version of liberator is different. In particular, the version Travis is using does not support the processable? decision.

Fixed by adding git-deps to the run chain for the test! alias that Travis uses so it has the source version of librerator.

Added the Travis CI badge to the readme. Made an editing pass over the README.

Made the Falkland CMS Trello board public and linked it from the README with a graphic I made.

38 later thoughts