Falkland CMS

68 thoughts
last posted Oct. 1, 2013, 2:19 p.m.

Day 1 - June 24, 2013

Working on creating items API.

Got a response back from the Billy of the liberator mailing list on the best way to hold onto the passed in item JSON since it can only be read once.

I didn't understand the suggestion for a long while until I started to write him back and realized that he'd been suggesting that liberator decisions can return a vector, the first element of which is their normal response and the 2nd element is an addition to the request context.

With that knowledge, I was able to clean up my less elegant means of holding onto the parsed JSON.

I also updated the project to be using liberator as source (master) rather than a published version to get access to some new features. I used the lein-git-deps plugin to do this, but I'm not entirely happy with it because I still need to include a dependency on the published liberator to get its dependencies. Will need to ask around to see if there is anything better to do.

67 later thoughts