
14 thoughts
last posted Nov. 14, 2013, 5:51 p.m.

6 earlier thoughts


Content Formatting

Document "Markdown supported" and exactly what this means.

How do I (a new user) create great, compelling and interesting content?

I see other posts that have more interesting user references, cross-linking, etc. I'd like some hinting/prompting/help on how to do this.

Looks like some other users are using the TS API to pull in YouTube view streams, etc. and automatically create streams from them. This alone is an interesting use case.

Come up with a set of verbs that can be expressed in Markdown-like syntax, and implement those, in some kind of priority order. Reference other posts / content / users Watched A Video * Read a Web Page (integration with Pocket, etc.?)

Each of these could have some "verb" that could be used in formatting. Think about "@replies" and "#hashtags" where the @ and # don't need to just be one character anymore because you're not constrained to 140. "@reply(jtauber)" would be fine, as would "@tag(comments, django, python)"

7 later thoughts