
10 thoughts
last posted Nov. 2, 2015, 7:23 p.m.

9 later thoughts


I had been looking forward to the comics exhibition at the British Library for a while and maybe that was an influence in why I felt so disappointed by it.

The subject is interesting but the exhibition is dull and lifeless with terrible flow and some pronounced bottlenecks.

While some of the pieces are rare the majority of the things on display were by living artists whose catalogue is still in print. Putting things in cases therefore not only made it harder to understand what message the curators were trying to convey but left the impression that if you want to understand what happened in British comics in the Eighties and Nineties you would be better off going to a regular reading library and simply reading the collections.

If you haven't read Halo Jones or V for Vendetta then do that before wasting your time on this exhibition.