FullStack 2015

44 thoughts
last posted Nov. 2, 2015, 7:15 p.m.

41 earlier thoughts



So Jan's comments on diversity hit home a little. Was the final line up of the conference diverse? No, in all honesty it was still mostly men, mostly white, mostly straight.

Interestingly the submissions were a bit better but during the process of back-filing the presentations that suffered from drop outs and scheduling clashes it became clear that personal connections were mostly of a type and not enough lightning talks had been invited that could have been "brought forward" into the schedule.

I think the goal for this year's conference was to try and create a good conference that would be worth the entrance price. If that has happened (and I don't know what the feedback is) then the next goal should be to create a conference that is both good and diverse.

2 later thoughts