Women as protagonists (Novels)

18 thoughts
last posted Nov. 18, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

15 earlier thoughts


The Dr Who 13 announcement prompted me to record a few more additions to this list:

  • Nell Ingram in the Soulwood spin-off from the Jane Yellowrock series
  • Joanne Walker in C.E. Murphy's Walker Papers (discovered via a not-canon-in-either-series crossover with the Jane Yellowrock books)
  • Antimony Price (from later in the Incryptid series already mentioned above)
  • Henrietta "Henry" Marchen (aka "Snow White") from Seanan McQuire's "Indexing" books
  • Venera Fanning and Leal Maspeth from Karl Schroeder's "The Suns of Virga" series
  • Clary Fray, Tessa Gray and Emma Carstairs from Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series and its prequels/sequels

2 later thoughts