
7 thoughts
last posted July 21, 2014, 4:45 p.m.

3 earlier thoughts


A different reply on a similar topic, a bit more thorough:

The take_three branch does not have any import/export functionality built in yet. The older master branch has a sort of too-clever approach that uses local HTML files and a Python request hooked into CouchDB to do import and export. There are some instructions at on one way to get that set up, then you can use http://localhost:5984/photos/_design/shutterstem/dashboard.html to import and http://localhost:5984/photos/_design/shutterstem/index.html to export. I can write up a bit more documentation on this if it's not clear once you get it installed.

The stuff at http://localhost:5984/photos/_design/shutterstem-t3/launcher.html — newer couchapps installable from the take_three branch — has some other more interesting apps (Seasons is the farthest along) within it but still need to build a better "native" import/export solution for it as well as some web "folder upload" stuff I've started experimenting with in Chrome recently (no code in ShutterStem yet though).

3 later thoughts