
1 thought
last posted March 20, 2014, 1:26 p.m.

asyncio is nice, but at don't see it working outside of a niche. The problem is that a library is either written for asynchronicity or not, and if it's not, it can't be converted, and it can be used in an asynchronous framework (I believe monkeypatching is not a real solution, since it just make some synchronous code asynchronous, sweeping all synchronization problems under the rug).

That means that we have to ecosystems: you can't use requests with asyncio. The only solution would be to implement all IO libs in an asynchronous way and to provide blocking wrappers for synchronous usage (like what crochet does), but that's not going to happen. asyncio is not the messiah everybody seems to think it is, and will soon be forgotten outside of circles where people need concurrency.