
14 thoughts
last posted June 27, 2015, 9:24 p.m.

9 later thoughts


I've finished my first week at my new job where I'm a node developer. I'm very impressed with the code my new colleagues have written. I've heard people say that node is the new PHP, but from what I've seen so far I don't think that's true.

We're also using MongoDB in smart ways, which surprised me considering all the jokes about how bad it is.

I do miss Python, though, I did write a fab script to get my node dev env up and running.

Mostly I'm worried I'll lose touch with the Python community. I'm not going to PyCon this year like I hoped (I have never been before either). I was on the fence for a while, and then I decided to go, but before I got around to it, the tickets were sold out. Probably for the best because I don't think I could have taken vacation at that time anyway.

Having a regular job now I only get 2 weeks vacation a year, I need that to see family, so I probably won't be going to any conferences unless work sends me, and they don't have a reason to send me to a Python conference.

That was a bit rambly, but hey, it's called "thoughstreams" after all.

4 earlier thoughts