Thoughts on a New Language

13 thoughts
last posted Nov. 23, 2012, 6:22 p.m.

In a blog post back in 2008, I wrote...

My favourite rejected/withdrawn Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) is Steven Bethard's PEP 359 based on an idea by Michele Simionato. That's not to say I disagree with Guido not wanting it in Python, but I like aspects of the idea conceptually as part of a possible Python-like language.

Consider the class statement (take from the PEP):

class C(object):
    x = 1
    def foo(self):
        return 'bar'

This, as the PEP points out, is equivalent to:

C = type('C', (object,), {'x':1, 'foo':<function foo at ...>})

And more generally:

class <name> <bases>:
    __metaclass__ = <metaclass>

is syntactic sugar for:

<name> = <metaclass>("<name>", <bases>,
            <dictionary created by executing block>)

The PEP points out that the class statement nicely avoids the need to mention the name twice and also does the task of executing a block of statements and creating a dictionary of the bindings that result.

It then proposes a make statement of the following form:

make <callable> <name> <tuple>:

that would basically make the class statement syntactic sugar usable for other things. See the PEP itself for a bunch of interesting this this would allow in Python. I certainly think it makes metaclasses clearer.

But my interest isn't so much in Python, but just thinking about a language where something like this is core.

12 later thoughts