
24 thoughts
last posted July 16, 2014, 9:30 p.m.

1 earlier thought


July 2012

Eldarion was the top team with 1059 points. I individually came 5th with 392 points. Don Stufft came 2nd, Patrick Altman 10th, Luke Hatcher 12th and Brian Rosner 22nd.

January 2013

Eldarion was again the top team with a deliberate 1337 points. I came 2nd with 556 points. Patrick Altman came 3rd and Brian Rosner 10th.

July 2013

Eldarion drops to 6th place with 907 points. I came 4th with 678 points. Patrick Altman came 23rd and Brian Rosner 358th (ouch!).

January 2014

Eldarion comes 2nd with 879 points. I came 1st (yay!) with 460 points. Patrick Altman came 4th and Brian Rosner 19th.

22 later thoughts