How I Work

2 thoughts
last posted March 22, 2014, 2:02 p.m.

About ten years ago, Mark Pilgrim wrote up a "How I Work" blog post entitled "essentials".

I'd just started blogging myself a couple of months earlier and said of Mark's post:

I like reading posts like this. They're like a colophon for your digital life.

I then suggested someone should come up with a machine-readable schema for them that included:

  • what OS
  • what editor
  • what browser
  • what mail reader
  • what feed reader
  • what IM client
  • what media player
  • and so on...

Doesn't just have to be software - could include what cell phone, what portable music player, etc.

Despite suggesting this, I never actually got around to providing my own digital life colophon. That's what this stream is now for :-)

1 later thought