Akalabeth Preamble Files

27 thoughts
last posted March 30, 2014, 10:53 p.m.

14 earlier thoughts


Of course, the code continues....

We add #$80 to $FA, carrying it to $FB.

8057: 18               CLC
8058: A5 FA            LDA $FA
805A: 69 80            ADC #$80
805C: 85 FA            STA $FA
805E: A5 FB            LDA $FB
8060: 69 00            ADC #$00
8062: 85 FB            STA $FB

In our pseudo-code:

w3 += 0x80

and we loop until the high-byte of w3 is #$04.

8064: C9 04            CMP #$04
8066: D0 A4            BNE LOOP2

12 later thoughts