Lines 1–4 print out the welcome message and wait for a key to be pressed.
is printed (with a CHR$(4)
preceding and dropped by the de-tokenizer?)
POKE 254,32
POKE 255,32
POKE 32840,169:POKE 32841,0
(LDA $#00
)CALL 32768
calls the code belowPOKE 32840,177:POKE 32841,8
(LDA ($08),Y
)BLOAD AKA2,A$2000
is printed.
POKE - 16302,0
set full-screen graphicsPOKE - 16297,0
set hi-res graphics modePOKE - 16300,0
set hi-res page 1POKE - 16304,0
set graphics modeBLOAD AKA5,A$4000
is printed.
CALL 32768
calls the code belowBLOAD AKA3,A$4000
is printed.
POKE 32769,39
)POKE 32888,136
(set $8078
to DEY
)POKE 32890,255
)CALL 32768
calls the code belowPOKE 32769,0
)POKE 32888,200
(restore $8078
to INY
)POKE 32890,40
)There is a pause caused by looping 1 to 4000.
POKE 32840,169:POKE 32841,0
(LDA $#00
)CALL 32768
calls the code belowPOKE 32840,177:POKE 32841,8
(LDA ($08),Y
)Another pause caused by looping 1 to 500.
POKE - 16303,0
set text modeThe loading message is printed.
POKE 33,1
set width of scrolling window to 1POKE 34,23
set top of scrolling window to 23RUN AKA1
is printed.