Akalabeth Main Game File

31 thoughts
last posted April 5, 2014, 6 a.m.

23 earlier thoughts


Generating a Dungeon Level

Dungeon level generation is a routine from lines 500–590 (with a call out to 2000).

The dungeon level information is primarily stored in DNG%() (sometimes referred to as just DN%()) which is an 11 x 11 matrix.

We generate a ZZ but I still don't know what that's for.

500 ZZ =  RND ( -  ABS (LN) - TX * 10 - TY * 1000 + INOUT * 31.4)

Next we zero out the inside of DNG%():

501  FOR X = 1 TO 9: FOR Y = 1 TO 9:DNG%(X,Y) = 0: NEXT : NEXT

Then we set the outsides to WALLS (1):

510  FOR X = 0 TO 10:DNG%(X,0) = 1:DNG%(X,10) = 1:DNG%(0,X) = 1:DNG%(10,X) = 1: NEXT

Then we draw rows of walls on the even coordinates.

520  FOR X = 2 TO 8 STEP 2: FOR Y = 1 TO 9:DNG%(X,Y) = 1:DNG(Y,X) = 1: NEXT : NEXT

The result at this point is:


Then, for each element of those rows of inside walls, we randomly replace the wall with a TRAP (2), ? (3), ? (4), CHEST (5) or DOWN LADDER? (9).

530  FOR X = 2 TO 8 STEP 2: FOR Y = 1 TO 9 STEP 2
540  IF  RND (1) > .95 THEN DNG%(X,Y) = 2
541  IF  RND (1) > .95 THEN DNG%(Y,X) = 2
542  IF  RND (1) > .6 THEN DNG%(Y,X) = 3
543  IF  RND (1) > .6 THEN DNG%(X,Y) = 3
544  IF  RND (1) > .6 THEN DNG%(X,Y) = 4
545  IF  RND (1) > .6 THEN DNG%(Y,X) = 4
546  IF  RND (1) > .97 THEN DNG%(Y,X) = 9
547  IF  RND (1) > .97 THEN DNG%(X,Y) = 9
548  IF  RND (1) > .94 THEN DNG%(X,Y) = 5
549  IF  RND (1) > .94 THEN DNG%(Y,X) = 5
568  NEXT : NEXT

(2,1) is always cleared. If the player is on an even level, (7,3) is a DOWN LADDER and (3, 7) is an UP LADDER. If the player is on an odd level, (7,3) is an UP LADDER and (3,7) is a DOWN LADDER (of course).

569 DNG%(2,1) = 0: IF INOUT / 2 =  INT (INOUT / 2) THEN DNG%(7,3) = 7:DNG%(3,7) = 8
570  IF INOUT / 2 <  >  INT (INOUT / 2) THEN DNG%(7,3) = 8:DNG%(3,7) = 7

If the player is on the first level of the dungeon (closest to surface) then (1,1) is an UP LADDER instead of (7,3). Presumably this is where the player starts.

580  IF INOUT = 1 THEN DNG%(1,1) = 8:DNG%(7,3) = 0

We call out to 2000 to place monsters.

585  GOSUB 2000

And we're done.


7 later thoughts