Ulysses App Review & Impressions

32 thoughts
last posted April 1, 2015, 10:05 p.m.

26 earlier thoughts


Another image management idiosyncracy that is far from being clear or obvious:

  1. If you drag an image into your document (again, excluding "External Folders" documents here), Ulysses keeps its own copy of that image for use in previews, etc.
  2. But you can also specify a URL for that image. What happens then?
  3. If you don't add a URL to an image:
    • HTML previews and exports use Ulysses' copy of the image. When exporting, Ulysses will save its own copy of the image file alongside the HTML file.
    • Markdown previews and exports will refer to a generic local copy of the image. When exporting, Ulysses will save its own copy of the image file alongside the HTML file.
    • PDF previews and exports will embed Ulysses' copy of the image.
  4. If you do specify a URL for the image:
    • HTML previews and exports will use the image located at the URL. Ulysses will not save a copy of the image alongside HTML files when exporting.
    • Ditto for markdown previews and exports.
    • PDF previews and exports will still use Ulysses' local copy of the image.


5 later thoughts