Growing a podcast

16 thoughts
last posted Feb. 14, 2013, 7:02 p.m.

6 earlier thoughts


(re 2. Earning enough to make it self-supporting)

  • One listener basically offered to subscribe if I offered memberships; very heartening, but I feel members should get "something more" and I'm still thinking about what that something is.
  • I've thought of offering sponsorships: say, two per month available at $15 apiece, only to creative individuals and ventures looking to increase awareness of their own work. Price would increase with audience size but remain affordable.

Covering costs would be nice. But there's a large gap between that and bringing in enough to devote, say, a full workday each week in addition to early morning/late evening hours already spent. It's worth debating whether "calls to action", sponsorships, etc. are really worth the time and inelegance without the popularity to justify them.

9 later thoughts