Growing a podcast

16 thoughts
last posted Feb. 14, 2013, 7:02 p.m.

14 earlier thoughts

  • W/regards to using different forms of media to complement each other. "Make each thing the thing that it's supposed to be" I've always liked this about podcasts that work well as part of a cross-media plan. The New Yorker podcasts work extremely well solely as podcasts. They could just put out something that amounts to a shill for their magazine, but they did it right: they take their magazine content and refactor it to make a great radio listening experience.

  • Addendum to "Promotion" bullet point two cards back: RM pushed listeners early on to write iTunes reviews, and feels he has a lot more iTunes reviews than many other NPR podcasts that have much wider audiences.

  • Roman Mars's preferences for podcasts: quiet, personal, conversational (between host and listener), some level of production quality.

1 later thought