Science for busy people

5 thoughts
last posted Dec. 13, 2015, 2:20 p.m.

3 earlier thoughts


What is science?

As I said, I'm not a scientist, so I'm going to pull in a few ideas from Richard Feynman, who was a scientist, and whom a lot of people say was a pretty good one.

The test of all knowledge is experiment

I like that. I don't think it's entirely true, but if you're going to do science or be scientific, then you probably need to think that way.

Science is more than just doing a lot of experiments, it's also:

  • making explicit guesses about reality
  • designing experiments to falsify or verify those guesses
  • actually performing experiments
  • interpreting the results of experiments
  • changing your beliefs based on the result of experiments
  • sharing the process, details, results, and interpretations of experiments
  • questioning the validity of experiments
  • learning about past experiments and understanding what they mean
  • making stories out of experiments to help yourself and others understand new things
  • insisting on having evidence

And probably many more things. All of this is a lot of work.

1 later thought