As far as software I use:
I keep my dotfiles with my documented VIM config on Github.
I use several things via homebrew as well.
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Ubuntu 13.10 has broken the System Settings key remap for caps lock that I used to use to make my caps lock an additional control. You can see the bug here But you can get around it by installing gnome-tweak-tool and setting it under the typing section.
I'm gonna use this to publish some random things I encounter in my dev work.
As far as software I use:
I keep my dotfiles with my documented VIM config on Github.
I use several things via homebrew as well.
As far as hardware, I use a 13" Macbook Pro running OS X. I've only been an OS X user for about 3 years, prior to that I used mostly Linux (Ubuntu/Redhat) environment with a Windows VM for corporate environment work. The jury is still out for me on which I like better OS X or Ubuntu.
I rarely use the same phone for more than a month or two... It's a personal problem. Lately my main drivers have been an iPhone 5s and a Moto X. I'm currently carrying the iPhone 5s.
As far as mobile apps:
I work different between home and the office.
At the office, I mix it up between the standing and sitting desks, but I lean more towards sitting. Either way I use a nice Dell 24" external monitor.
At home, I sit at our table or on the couch. If the dogs are up I'm on the couch with them, if they are asleep I'm at the table. (their snoring makes me tired) I don't use an external monitor at home.
Ubuntu 13.10 has broken the System Settings key remap for caps lock that I used to use to make my caps lock an additional control. You can see the bug here But you can get around it by installing gnome-tweak-tool and setting it under the typing section.
Thoughts by this user that have been liked by others.
I'm gonna use this to publish some random things I encounter in my dev work.