Reactive Programming

6 thoughts
last posted Aug. 27, 2015, 11:33 a.m.

3 earlier thoughts


When it comes to programming, my least favorite thing to work on is GUI back-ends. Traditional GUI programming involves a lot of mutable variables which represent the current state of your program; if at any point you want to modify part of the program, very often you have to take all of the potential states of your program into account. [...]

Reactive Programming aims to solve a lot of these issues. In a nutshell, all user-interaction with the UI can be represented as events; you can write code that responds to events by updating some state and UI. This isn't a new concept: anyone who has written applications in .NET is probably familiar with events. Reactive Programming takes events to the next level by allowing you to generate new events from existing ones: you can take an event that's fired when a Button is clicked, and make a new event that gets fired only when the Button was clicked with the left mouse button. You can take two events and combine them into a single event that's fired when either original event is fired. You can turn an event into a new event that returns the last two results of the original event. This alone can cut down on the complexity of a GUI implementation, but eventually you will still be manipulating state.

via: Stephen Elliott (2014): "Tutorial: Functional Reactive Programming in F# and WPF (Part 1)",

2 later thoughts