Is this the show?

43 thoughts
last posted Dec. 15, 2013, 11:21 a.m.

Personally, I've always had issues with productivity, creativity and focus. In an effort to improve all of those things for myself, I've joined Dan Benjamin on his epic quest to serve as sherpa to Merlin Mann on his personal journey from "internationally renowned productivity guru, published author, public speaker, and industry thought-leader" to "guy who says makes sarcastic comments about comic books and sentimental comments about the experience of raising his young daughter on the internet".

(Seriously though, I love you guys.)

The show is somewhat dense with references to previous material, so I began at Season 1, Episode 1, went through each episode in order; I'm now caught all the way up to real time.

However, many potential listeners are busy people who do not necessarily have the time to go all the way back to the beginning and methodically work through every single episode. For those people, I have composed this helpful guide to many of the key productivity concepts laid out in the progression of the show.

Since this is a ThoughtStream®™ and nothing so pedestrian as a "blog web article", I'll continue to update with additional material as new references develop.

Hopefully after reading this guide you will be able to understand these references and cultural touchstones as well as I can.

42 later thoughts