

4 thoughts; 3 streams
last posted Nov. 26, 2016, 10:49 a.m.

Coder and SingleTrack rider

Gran , Norway
Joined on Nov. 17, 2016, 1:03 p.m.
get recent cards as: atom

Goldmine found !! Constant memory bliss!! xml-html-utils

Cannot wait to put into a ONLINE demo using Tiny

.. just need a way to run both nodejs and these on some free PAAS

1 thought
updated Nov. 21, 2016, 9:13 a.m.

Jelastic cloud isnt diggin' phusion baseimage .. lots of fails in run.log

And jelastic do NOT support restarts like docker-engine

Check mate or... maybe I can just remove cron and syslog daemons from image .. rebuild baseimage and deactivate cron

Or just maybe DIY

1 thought
updated Nov. 17, 2016, 1:50 p.m.

Running UNIX procs from node webapp using node-webworker-threads

.... this way we could feed a html doc into html5tidy,xsltproc,xmllint or whatever and get quick feedback via socket.io.

[edit_1] Initial test says stay away and just use streams. Found this goldie duplex-child-process

1 thought
updated Nov. 17, 2016, 1:14 p.m.
1 thought
updated Nov. 21, 2016, 9:13 a.m.
1 thought
updated Nov. 17, 2016, 1:50 p.m.
1 thought
updated Nov. 17, 2016, 1:14 p.m.

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google customized startpage. private but shareable to coworkers. doable?


google customized startpage. private but shareable to coworkers. doable?


Goldmine found !! Constant memory bliss!! xml-html-utils

Cannot wait to put into a ONLINE demo using Tiny

.. just need a way to run both nodejs and these on some free PAAS


Jelastic cloud isnt diggin' phusion baseimage .. lots of fails in run.log

And jelastic do NOT support restarts like docker-engine

Check mate or... maybe I can just remove cron and syslog daemons from image .. rebuild baseimage and deactivate cron

Or just maybe DIY


Running UNIX procs from node webapp using node-webworker-threads

.... this way we could feed a html doc into html5tidy,xsltproc,xmllint or whatever and get quick feedback via socket.io.

[edit_1] Initial test says stay away and just use streams. Found this goldie duplex-child-process

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