
6 thoughts
last posted Oct. 19, 2012, 6:58 p.m.
get stream as: markdown or atom

Sharing is Caring.

2 types of sharing. Everyone, not everyone.



Having a reference to the thing means you can access the thing.

Different types of references for different permissions. (Read vs Read+Write vs Write-Only)


github gists.

  • Public
  • Private

Private URLs are "secure" by virtue of being unguessable.

A read capability is implied by possession of the private URL. This works fine until you give it to one person… then they can give it to everyone.


A capability consists of 2 parts.

  • The thing
  • The capabilities the person has on the thing.

What about personalized capabilities.

Now 3 parts:

  • The thing
  • The capabilities
  • The intended actor.

Introducing the share capability.

Derive new read/write capabilities to give to other people.

Derived cap includes source information.

  • The thing.
  • The capabilities.
  • The originator.
  • The intended actor.

Bob gives Alice a share capability. Alice gives Carol a read capability.

Bob didn't want Carol to have access. Bob can revoke Carol's cap, or revoke Alice's share cap which revokes all derived caps.