David Reid

David Reid

20 thoughts; 3 streams
last posted Jan. 10, 2014, 5:22 p.m.
Joined on Sept. 25, 2012, 5:14 p.m.
get recent cards as: atom

Download public streams as markdown and let you post new thoughts to the inbox that let you build on that stream.

6 thoughts
updated Jan. 10, 2014, 5:22 p.m.
8 thoughts
updated March 8, 2013, 5:50 p.m.

Introducing the share capability.

Derive new read/write capabilities to give to other people.

Derived cap includes source information.

  • The thing.
  • The capabilities.
  • The originator.
  • The intended actor.

Bob gives Alice a share capability. Alice gives Carol a read capability.

Bob didn't want Carol to have access. Bob can revoke Carol's cap, or revoke Alice's share cap which revokes all derived caps.

6 thoughts
updated Oct. 19, 2012, 6:58 p.m.
6 thoughts
updated Jan. 10, 2014, 5:22 p.m.
8 thoughts
updated March 8, 2013, 5:50 p.m.
6 thoughts
updated Oct. 19, 2012, 6:58 p.m.

Streams by this user that have been favorited by others.

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Download public streams as markdown and let you post new thoughts to the inbox that let you build on that stream.


Let you post multiple cards by splitting on '---'


When posting whole document use a marker to allow you to sync periodically without reposting the whole document.


The editorial thoughtstreams workflows should end up being much more flexible than Thoughtmail.


Keychain access

Because Editorial exposes the keychain API to the user it becomes relatively easy to create shareable workflows that require credentials. Such as this thoughtstreams.io workflow.

Send to thoughtstreams



Editorial is a text editor for the iPad that includes a python runtime suitable for scripting applications such as posting the current document to thoughtstreams.io.

It is quite similar to Drafts but not limited to the applications you have installed and their URL handler hacks.


Thoughtstreams API thoughts

  • accepting and storing the API key makes me uncomfortable.
  • individually revoke able API keys
  • or oauth1
  • or individually revocable inbox post URL. Thoughtmail might circumvent this by storing your apikey in the email address strongly encrypted.

  • not sure how to handle images without hosting outside of thoughtstreams.

  • would like auto linking of urls in addition to markdown syntax. [will prototype in Thoughtmail]

  • skip inbox and post directly to streams. Thoughtmail could use a list of stream names in the subject. Drafts lets you configure it's email sending to have a preset subject so you can add email actions for specific streams.

  • some mechanism for publishing a card from the API.

  • editing cards from the API. Thoughtmail could reply to posts with a special reply-to header that edits the previously created card.


  • [ ] strip signatures
  • [X] better UI
  • [ ] open source
  • [ ] from: whitelist

built with

  • Python
  • twisted
  • Klein
  • treq
  • mailgun
  • txmongo
  • browserid-cred (Mozilla Persona)

runs on

  • dotcloud

Is reasonably pretty because of

  • bootstrap
  • bootswatch
  • fortawesome

Post to thought streams inbox from email.

Enables posting from phone or tablet without writing a custom client. Easy ubiquitous capture.

reposted to Email to Post by jtauber

You can configure email actions in Drafts so you can send thoughts with only a couple of taps.


Originally I sat down to write an iOS app. The thoughtstreams API currently only supports post to inbox. Eventually I realized the differentiator would have to be a killer text editor. About the same time I discovered Drafts. It's a pretty killer text editor.

It supports markdown and email and Dropbox and printing and so on and so forth.

I didn't think I could really do better so I decided to figure out the easiest way to post to thoughtstreams from Drafts. Eventually I realized it'd be a good excuse to use my free mailgun account.


These thoughts have been posted from an iPad 4 using drafts to compose them.


Introducing the share capability.

Derive new read/write capabilities to give to other people.

Derived cap includes source information.

  • The thing.
  • The capabilities.
  • The originator.
  • The intended actor.

Bob gives Alice a share capability. Alice gives Carol a read capability.

Bob didn't want Carol to have access. Bob can revoke Carol's cap, or revoke Alice's share cap which revokes all derived caps.


What about personalized capabilities.

Now 3 parts:

  • The thing
  • The capabilities
  • The intended actor.

A capability consists of 2 parts.

  • The thing
  • The capabilities the person has on the thing.

github gists.

  • Public
  • Private

Private URLs are "secure" by virtue of being unguessable.

A read capability is implied by possession of the private URL. This works fine until you give it to one person… then they can give it to everyone.



Having a reference to the thing means you can access the thing.

Different types of references for different permissions. (Read vs Read+Write vs Write-Only)


Sharing is Caring.

2 types of sharing. Everyone, not everyone.

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