Functional Reactive Programming

27 thoughts
last posted Sept. 9, 2015, 6:02 a.m.

22 earlier thoughts


FRPWorks - Nu Game Engine

"The Nu Game Engine is a game development platform that aims to drastically reduce the cost of game development by providing a superior programming model for games via Iterative Functional Reactive Programming (IFRP). While the engine is still pre-1.0, the implementation has matured enough to prove both the efficacy and viability of pure functional programming in indie games in terms of performance, programmability, and reliability."

This repository hosts several projects, including -

  • the Nu Game Engine
  • a cross-platform F# 2D game engine built in the functional style. Uses SDL2 and Farseer Physics.
  • the small but potentially useful F# code library Prime (interesting features, but lacks unit tests).
  • the sample game BlazeVector.


4 later thoughts