I've been using Siri a lot more than I expected I would. It's great for launching timers, setting reminders, and lots of things that take far too many finger-presses.
I was actually finding iOS6/iPhone 5 battery life deeply disappointing for the first couple weeks. It turns out that I had really amped up the push email on multiple accounts, and that had done the damage.
Email isn't critical on this device for me, so I'm much happier with the tradeoffs in keeping push email off.
The first couple weeks also included the dreaded yellow tinge to the screen. It's cleared up now, I think, but it really got in the way of the out-of-box "delight" I was expecting.
Will there be a post-aluminum material? Does the black-and-slate design anticipate something away from whitish, matte aluminum?
What's even lighter and stronger than aluminum? I'm no materials expert, so the only thing that leaps to mind is carbon fiber. But it seems to have developed its own aesthetic, and that's been sort of co-opted as a faux-luxury texture. However, if any company can be trusted to generate a new texture, a new aesthetic from a familiar material (that has desirable qualities), that company is Apple.
Update: oh look, seems like there's recent rumors in that area.
I have been very surprised at the amount of wear that the black aluminum finish has shown in the few weeks that I've had the phone. This hasn't diminished my enthusiasm for the device or for the platform — it's a constant companion when out and about. Everything is nicer than the iPhone 4 that I had previously, but there are no tremendous revelations: it's simply a really good tool.