On watching: Conference Submissions and Presentations: Made More Effective with 10 Quick Tips: Matthew McCullough
Your talk is a story. Design it and build it with that in mind.
Think about the weight of your words. Make it more concise, but impactful.
Get inspiration from other proposals.
Different from implementation of your talk, e.g., slides and demos.
This can be deferred into very late into the process.
YOU are The Talk
Slides are merely a support - don't let them take away from the story. Let them be secondary to being
Less than 10% practice their talk even once. Thesis: quality/impact would increase greatly if more people took the time to review and rehearse.
Lower the stress; increase the impact.
What does this mean? Place friends in the front row. People who are rooting for you. They will ask questions, clap, root for you. It becomes infectious, spreading like a posi=virus across the rest of the room.
Time to make it happen! "The audience members are your friends". Why? Because they expect to learn something. They're here because they want to learn what you're teaching. Make it worth their while.
"A responsible presenter has one more activity to do" - gather feedback. Why? Not only to improve, but also...?
Provide a feedback channel - this is your task. Give them a preferred means of speaking with you, especially a public channel to communicate with you.
Vent and direct the steam. Own your talk and ensure that people get what they wanted.