Bite sized reading

62 thoughts
last posted Sept. 17, 2017, 7:33 p.m.

61 earlier thoughts

  • Landscape In Sunlight and Seaview House, both by Elizabeth Fair. As previously reported, I found the first of her novels to be “Decent enough light reading”, and felt the same about Landscape In Sunlight. On the other hand, Seaview House was heavily concerned with “will X marry Y or Z”, which I found tedious.
  • The Best Of All Possible Worlds and The Galaxy Game, both by Karen Lord; the former a re-read in preparation for reading the latter, which is its sequel. I find the first of these is a much smoother read than the second, which is clogged up with lots of infodumping and not-clearly-separated points of view.
  • Half A King by Joe Abercrombie, which I downloaded a sample of after recommendation from fred_mouse. Couldn't get into it, though, so decided against buying the full book.
  • Letters To A Young Muslim by Omar Saif Ghobash. A bit repetitive, and some of it felt very naive to me, but overall an interesting read.
  • The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. A re-read, and along with it I read the re-read posts. I’ve read this several times before, but this was my first time reading it after having watched the recent TV adaptation, and it reinforced my opinion that the adaptation was a really good one.