Bite sized reading

62 thoughts
last posted Sept. 17, 2017, 7:33 p.m.

56 earlier thoughts

  • The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard. I decided about halfway through this that I wasn’t enjoying it, but persisted to the end in the hope of closure. Sadly it turns out that this is just the first in a series, so no payoff for me.
  • Something Coming Through by Paul McAuley. A similar experience to the above, really, though I did at least make it further through the book before wondering if it was worth continuing.
  • How to Live on Other Planets: a Handbook for Aspiring Aliens, edited by Joanne Merriam. Short story collection looking at the immigrant experience from an SF point of view.
  • The Last Place you Look by Kristen Lepionka. A murder mystery with more dead women than ideal, but the reason I like it anyway is that the main character is a bisexual woman whose bisexuality isn’t made into a plot point. I don’t know if this is the first in a series, but I kind of hope it is.

5 later thoughts