Bite sized reading

62 thoughts
last posted Sept. 17, 2017, 7:33 p.m.

54 earlier thoughts

  • Between Two Thorns, Any Other Name, All Is Fair, A Little Knowledge, and All Good Things by Emma Newman. The first four of these were re-reads in preparation for the fifth, which is the conclusion of the Split Worlds series. I enjoyed all of these, though am not likely to re-read them in the future. The writing style didn’t really grab me in the way I wanted it to — it has that feel of being a really really detailed plot summary rather than an immersive experience (a criticism I have previously also levelled at the Harry Potter novels, so if you’re fine with those you should be fine with these).
  • Trans Like Me by C N Lester. I didn’t find this as engrossing as I’d expected to — my attention kept wandering, I think partly because I felt the writing style was a little too impersonal to fit well with the first-person viewpoint. I was also surprised to discover a plethora of footnotes at the end of the book, since all the in-text citations are missing from my copy (Kindle version bought from Amazon). I think all cis people should read it, though!

7 later thoughts