Bite sized reading

62 thoughts
last posted Sept. 17, 2017, 7:33 p.m.

21 earlier thoughts

  • The Apex Book of World SF, edited by Lavie Tidhar. Didn't finish — I tried the first four stories and couldn't get into any of them, and none of the rest looked particularly appealing aside from the fact that one was by Aliette de Bodard, so I read that one and then gave up.
  • The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. This is a very condensed retelling of the Mahabharata from the point of view of one of the main female characters. I haven’t read the original, and TBH am unlikely to, but I enjoyed much of this version and would give other retellings a go if someone recommended them.
  • “The Closest Thing to Animals” by Sofia Samatar. It was OK. I found out at the end that the author also wrote A Stranger in Olondria, which according to my Kindle I have read at least some of, but I have no memory of this, and online reviews aren’t helpful in jogging my memory. I’m going to give it another go to try to work out why I can't remember anything about it.

40 later thoughts