о русской музыки и кино

21 thoughts
last posted May 28, 2016, 1:26 p.m.

15 earlier thoughts


Цой жив

For VE day (as observed in the RF: much like their US colleagues, a certain demographic among the russian public seems to have a WWII obsession) two war movie clips set to what I've always interpreted as an anti-war song.


(the protagonist of this movie —a joint UA/RU production— also had a song written about her by Woody Guthrie; flattering, if slightly mistitled)


(everyone agrees: the Nazis were the "bad guys" ... but in this TV series, unlike in Bond flicks, SMERSH are the "good guys")

and something slightly different to finish the troika:

Первая Любовь

... a simple song of chagrin, or somewhat more? (in particular, does the pose at 3:26 refer to a definite prior work?)

5 later thoughts