Random thoughts

6 thoughts
last posted Aug. 17, 2014, 7:45 p.m.

3 earlier thoughts


Anyone know how to define self-contained python function (but not a generator) that returns different values each time it is called ?


def somefunc()
    // define here

somefunc() # 1
somefunc() # 2
somefunc() # 3 ...

I guess we'd just need to store state somehow.

I don't think functions can rebind their variables (pass-by-value, not reference), so that's out.

Could a function that can redefine itself directly (acting on the function object)?

Here's something like javascript (state stored in attributes of function) :

def clos():
    def func():
        func.val += 1
        return func.val
    func.val = 0
    return func

foo = clos()

print foo(),foo(),foo() # 1 2 3

Some other ideas; using global variable :

def redef():
    global func
    f = (lambda x: x)(func)
    func = lambda : f()+1
    return 1

func = redef

print func(),func(),func() # 1 2 3

defined as bound method on class instance :

class Foo:
    def bar(self):
        return 0
    def baz(self):
        bar = (lambda x:x)(self.bar)
        self.bar = lambda : bar()+1
        return self.bar()

foo = Foo()

print foo.baz(),foo.baz(),foo.baz() # 1 2 3

And as a static class method :

class Foo:
    def baz(cls):
        cls.x += 1
        return cls.x

foo = (lambda x:x)(Foo)

class Foo:

print foo.baz(),foo.baz(),foo.baz() # 1 2 3

Mutable (list) to store state (fudged to be able to use lambda...) :

foo = (lambda z: lambda :z.append(z[0]+1)==None and z.pop(0))([0])

print foo(),foo(),foo() # 1 2 3

Any other ideas?

2 later thoughts