
16 thoughts
last posted Dec. 13, 2012, 4:12 p.m.

I'm currently in the process of reconfiguring a card game that I learned a couple days ago, the French Canadian Mitaines, or Mittens. It’s an unusual game that I've known about and been mildly fascinated with for a while, almost exclusively because the three combinations that players are competing to build are called mittens, gloves, and socks. A friend and I learned it Wednesday night and played a couple hands, and the mechanisms are actually interesting and relatively novel; basically you play to a central discard pile and try to play your mittens, gloves and socks without being interrupted by the other player. But it’s sub-optimal: as of right now mittens, which are pairs, are quite common, but gloves and socks, which are three and four of a kind, are quite rare.

15 later thoughts